Recycling News

Despite the popularity of curbside programs, many consumers don’t know the fundamentals of recycling: single-stream vs. multi-stream, the “three Rs” of waste management, or even which items can and cannot be recovered. Click here for more information on the basics of consumer recycling.

  • Posted July 18, 2024

Recycling On the Moon

@NASA plans lunar recycling with LunaRecycle, using robots to turn waste into useful resources on the moon, ensuring sustainability in space missions.
  • Posted July 18, 2024

Recycling Processes

Zero Waste Chef shares insights on effective recycling practices, emphasizing reducing waste at the source and proper sorting.
  • Posted July 9, 2024

Fast Fashion Recycling

Fast fashion brands need help recycling clothes, highlighting environmental challenges in textile waste management.

Recycling News

Many commercial and industrial by-products—from coal combustion residuals to foundry slag to manufacturing scrap—have economic and environmental value that can and should be harnessed via their collection and reuse. Click here to learn about commercial and industrial reclamation efforts.

  • Posted July 18, 2024

Graphene Oxide Uses

Researchers develop new eco-friendly concrete using graphene oxide, enhancing strength and sustainability in construction.

Renewable Technology
Recycling News

Solar panels, wind turbines, electric vehicles—all commonly touted for delivering “clean” power with little environmental impact—contain toxic and/or economically valuable materials that should be disposed of or recovered after the product’s life. Click here to discover more about renewable technologies recycling.